Go Back

I've bought this before, and it left me empty inside -- Then I remember ... go back, go inside, I tune in and follow what I feel inside. When I listen too much to the 'outside' I get distracted, scattered and lost. I become unproductive and end up wasting quite a bit of time.

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Vanessa Cushenbery
Zoom #tomorrow

I am looking forward to growing and connecting on group Zoom classes. Let's see what's possible together. Knowing and feeling we are all in this together is powerful medicine.

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Vanessa Cushenbery
In 5 hours

sit, eyes closed back straight.. tune into the highest light above you, aspire from the purest part of you.. and sit in stillness. If the mind comes in, just come back to the highest light and the purest aspiration... the highest light and the purest aspiration.

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Vanessa Cushenbery
Going All In

What I have for you today, is an enthusiastic - Go All In! Six years ago when I started my meditation path, I didn't have the abiltiy to go all in. I had too many hang ups, too many safeguards that kept me out of the range of possiblity of going all in.
Now, yes things aren't always easy and painless.. But I live now -

I really live so much more!

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Vanessa Cushenbery
Opera & Opening

I woke up this morning thinking about a beautiful young woman that I trained many years ago. I was a personal trainer and a pilates instructor for many years in South Maui. I had the pleasure of training 3 generations of this family from Seattle. I was training the granddaughter one day and I was asking her about her training in Opera singing. She was attending Julliard in New York at the time and she'd been singing all her life.

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Vanessa Cushenbery