Opera & Opening


I woke up this morning thinking about a beautiful young woman that I trained many years ago.  I was a personal trainer and a pilates instructor for many years in South Maui.  I had the pleasure of training 3 generations of this family from Seattle.  I was training the granddaughter one day and I was asking her about her training in Opera singing.  She was attending Julliard in New York at the time and  she'd been singing all her life.  

I asked her, in pilates the philosophy is there is always one more level of abdominal contraction.. in your training in opera singing - does this relate?

Her response fit the pilates methodology and I was pleased to 'match' such an esteemed lineage.  She said, yes there is always a bit more.. it's not about contraction in opera singing but there is always more inside when singing - to hold the note longer.

I woke up feeling this experience with Deanna and  how it relates to opening.  There is always more... more to open to..  Sometimes it's easier to open to the one closest to you, then expand from there.. other times it's easier to go in reverse and  love the world first.

Regardless, opening is what we are after.. more of this please!

Why?  Well, first separation is an illusion, then my more passionate reason - this is how we connect.  - With the people we care the most about and strangers that cross our path.  

We open to ourselves and reach our depths and heights, and as a result we can truly be with others and their depths and heights.  We can only reach people as deep as we have reached ourselves. 

Remember, we are all one ❤️

With Love, 


www.BigBraveYOU.com4 Week Meditation Group

Vanessa Cushenbery