Going All In


I haven't written since I left for 6 weeks of meditation.  My intention was to write while I was away, but when the day came for me to write the instruction notice was to dive into meditation and get back to the newsletter when the time was right.

I am back now, back in the 'real world' of Maui.  I want to share with you some feelings I've been having about 

- Going All In - !

About two years ago I met a man, I allowed myself to go All In, it was magical.. I've never fell so hard, so deep.  We moved in together, I took his children to school,  kept them safe in the ocean, and held them when the tears came.  I opened, I let go, and I said yes.

It ended last month, my heart broke.  And is still broken on some levels.  Through the broken-ness there has been opportunites to open.  To trust something more, something bigger.  I haven't taken all of these opportunities.. but enough that I can see more clearly and rest on clarity ..  This clarity.. 

I've come to value clarity & truth above all. 
(Even amazing sex!)

What I have for you today, is an enthusiastic - Go All In!  Six years ago when I started my meditation path, I didn't have the abiltiy to go all in.  I had too many hang ups, too many safeguards that kept me out of the range of possiblity of going all in.
Now, yes things aren't always easy and painless.. But I live now  - 

I really live so much more!

This has been an integral part of what I call my meditation path, but really it has been a path into me.  Living & loving more, which started with accepting and loving me more.  - Victory!

As I step into this next phase, I am invigorated and inspired to keep expanding.. 

I will be leaving Maui, October 8th.  I am traveling to Australia for 4 months.  I am volunteering at the Clairvision School of Meditation, I will be building some needed structures on the Australian campus of the school.  After this phase, I am open to the next adventure.

I will have limited time to see clients during these four months, but if you are wanting more, reach out and let's see what's possible.

With Love, 



Vanessa Cushenbery