

I'm currently prepping to go to summer courses at the Clairvision School of Meditaiton .. About a month before I leave, I clean up my diet and do a extra practices.  I do this to set myself up for success during my yearly 4 weeks of school.  

I met with a fellow of mine this week and he was expressing some similar prepping strategies.  But there was one thing that was particulary highlighted during our talk.  Recently, He was up in the middle of the night with his sick infant - He felt inadequate, yet needing to handle the job because mom was exhausted. 

He entered with an open heart, willingness & not-knowing if he could do it. 

And he was successful!  Infant soothed and comforted!

This is now my new approach to my summer courses.  (& life)

It's more about not-knowing than knowing.. 

What do I mean by this?  Typically in the past I knew stuff - similar to last weeks email..  I really think I know stuff sometimes :) .. maybe you are the same?

But when I manage to get myself to a place of not-knowing and approach a situation from here - whoa!  Magic!  It's not that there are more choices, its that magic happens.. things that I never would have allowed otherwise - manifest!

This is the art of meditation and not-knowing...

Whew! -- I did a tough, tough practice today.. All I wanted to do was move and end the meditation but it wasn't time the energy was still working on me.  I sat and allowed myself to be 'cooked'.   Meditation has taught me how to sit in the uncomfortable and in the world this often translates into

allowing myself not-to-know.  This is uncomfortable.

As every teenager knows - It feels so good to finally know stuff -!   Then what? we're supposed to let go of this?!

Yes, walk with me in the not-knowing, I promise.. this is where life truly is.

With Love, 


www.BigBraveYOU.com4 Week Meditation Group

Vanessa Cushenbery