not do 'the thing'


If you read my weekly email, I do my best to share insights that will be helpful and inspiring.  

For today.. For self-care.. Allow yourself to not do 'the thing'.  

Ahh, it's like when a friend or your partner helps you out by running an errand or doing extra housework.  You can relax & feel spacious.  

For today, for this weekend. Give yourself permission..  Allow yourself to not do 'the thing.'  Maybe someone else will do it, maybe it won't get done, or maybe you can do it tomorrow.  

Balance looks different to each of us.  If your balance meter needs some space, take it.  This is where inspired thoughts can percolate.  We can feel spacious resting, surfing, running, or even working. 

Whatever your space looks like, take it.

My prescription:  Give yourself permission to take what you need/want/desire.  Let yourself be nourished.

Have a great weekend.



Vanessa Cushenbery